HuangShan ( 08 - 10 May 06)
8th May 06 (2205 hrs)
Despite the weather forecast saying a thunderstorm was imminent, I took the risk and embarked on the journey to huangshan.
I was rocked to sleep like a baby during the entire train ride.
9th May 06 (0700 hrs)
I woke up and realised that I was the only one left. Frantically, I looked my watch...
"Chey 0700 nia...."
A melancholic rainy morning

My trip to huangshan was almost delayed due to the flood.

It took me about an hour to reached TANG KOU from the train station.

Due to the thunderstorm the cable car services was terminated.
My ardous journey up the summit starts by takin the easier eastern steps. (6km uphill)

These steps are acutually constructed for these labourers. Almost all daily nessesities and rubbish in the hotels are ferried up and down the hills by these labourers. I have founded out that on an average they usually ferried almost 15 to 20 kg up and down the hill. Guess how much are they paid per trip? U wouldn't wana know.
One thing for sure..... I will stop and ponder the next time when I think I am being exploited as cheap labour.


It was a nice climb initially. Alone and quiet. I was really at peace with myself and the environment.

Trust me .. the air smells different. Believe me... it's sweeter.

My knee started to yell when I saw these steps....

I felt I was not welcomed when I saw this tree.
I gave it a name ----"middle finger tree"

This ass-kicking scenery is termed as " Monkey watching the sea"

I was asking some locals, where's the monkey.
I made some stupid remarks by saying we are the monkeys because we are watching the sea of clouds.
Apparently this rock is that imaginary monkey
Breath-taking pana view
More shin started to scream while my knees continued to yell

So do my calves and thighes

No pain no gain huh? Another ass-kicking pana view.

Despite the weather forecast saying a thunderstorm was imminent, I took the risk and embarked on the journey to huangshan.
I was rocked to sleep like a baby during the entire train ride.
9th May 06 (0700 hrs)
I woke up and realised that I was the only one left. Frantically, I looked my watch...
"Chey 0700 nia...."
A melancholic rainy morning

My trip to huangshan was almost delayed due to the flood.

It took me about an hour to reached TANG KOU from the train station.

Due to the thunderstorm the cable car services was terminated.
My ardous journey up the summit starts by takin the easier eastern steps. (6km uphill)

These steps are acutually constructed for these labourers. Almost all daily nessesities and rubbish in the hotels are ferried up and down the hills by these labourers. I have founded out that on an average they usually ferried almost 15 to 20 kg up and down the hill. Guess how much are they paid per trip? U wouldn't wana know.
One thing for sure..... I will stop and ponder the next time when I think I am being exploited as cheap labour.


It was a nice climb initially. Alone and quiet. I was really at peace with myself and the environment.

Trust me .. the air smells different. Believe me... it's sweeter.

My knee started to yell when I saw these steps....

I felt I was not welcomed when I saw this tree.
I gave it a name ----"middle finger tree"

This ass-kicking scenery is termed as " Monkey watching the sea"

I was asking some locals, where's the monkey.
I made some stupid remarks by saying we are the monkeys because we are watching the sea of clouds.
Apparently this rock is that imaginary monkey

Breath-taking pana view

More shin started to scream while my knees continued to yell

So do my calves and thighes

No pain no gain huh? Another ass-kicking pana view.

2 個意見:
Upz for you bro! ^^
Pro photos, really improving man!
P.S(Kinda super busy atm, so forgive the late comments/replies)
no worries, dude.
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