Fable ramble
Is there really a need to lie? U lie once, u need another nine lies to round up the first.. U see it’s pointless to lie. No matter what kinda crappy reasons one can think of…. Be it …circumstance changes… dun wana make me feel bad.... Change of mind…. Last minute decision…just wana make things easier…..benefit of doubt….. take it easy, dude………. blah blah…. ………Weasely weasels.
Being lied to is one of the things that really gets me tits on fire. Coming close to getting on my nerves is being misunderstood and accused of doing or saying something I did not.
No joke, u will feel like a an idiot u realise u were being lied to and u feel worse especially if that fable came from souls whom you tagged as friends. Never mind whether they are fairweathered, fucked-up…. Or really nice ones. I seemed not to give f**king damn about it these days… for making my life easier…. Taking easy on others……being cool and steady….making people less stressful when they talk to me…………WTF. I knew myself too well….. I have soul punched too many times and risked of being beaten up by a good friend. That's sad! Really!
I am not a holy innocent saint either, never come close to be good and kind.
Regrettably, I have myself partaken of this fable. Never I have forgiven myself for doing that. Regardless of any hidden agendas , may it be purely business or personal, when one try to pull a fast one on me, I will , nowadays let them go….why? Cos they have made such a serious effort to con me…..so if it does not kill me ….. I will heed Mary’s words of wisdom…LET IT BE……cos the bare skeleton of truth will reveal itself amidst the intertwined threads of reality and fable.
Albeit the let-it-be pearls of wisdom…. don’t think I am stupid. I learn it the hard way. I can only recall those experiences when I was forsaken, left to rot and misunderstood. Asking me to be mindful…… telling me not to be too kind…….the f**k about level of comfort……why dun u be f**king mindful instead of me.... this is insane.....WTF. What’s the f**king problem for being kind and gracious……
It’s not my f**king problem if one feels uncomfortable……This is insane……..and it really freaks my nuts. Actually it hurts more than freaking. Call me an F**kin emotional claypot or stupid souplad. I admit I m slow and inanely foolish trusting friends and took their words and encouragement too seriously. A f**king nincompoop, I was.
If shit hits the fan, I shalt be burnt but please … stay away…..f**king please dun make me set u on fire……… to anybody who come close. I begged to beviewed as a brat treated and respected as a matured gentlemen. I have tried and still trying not to give any f**ks about anybody’s excuse for a life….even my own. So….inevitably when personal agendas and work are mixed up in my pot of soup …. I will be the jerk emptying the pot, rinsing it with soapy compassion in the kitchen of life and reality.
I f**king hate it.
The soup I brewed since last September left abitter-sour bitter-sweet aftertaste. It lingers. It haunts. It f**king haunts me every night and I have to live with it. I am f**king tired. So allow me to blame and finger-point, I begged. It’s easy ..… I will bring myself to love it. I’m loving it.

I am not going to be responsible for this post. For once, I am behaving like a brat….. a mummy’s spoilt brat. Myfake sincere apologies…
Dun ever misunderstand my intentions and twist my thoughts/words. I desperately wanted the “benefit of doubts”. I know. It’s a f**king irony.
I am self-destructive.
I have gravely sinned.
Being lied to is one of the things that really gets me tits on fire. Coming close to getting on my nerves is being misunderstood and accused of doing or saying something I did not.
No joke, u will feel like a an idiot u realise u were being lied to and u feel worse especially if that fable came from souls whom you tagged as friends. Never mind whether they are fairweathered, fucked-up…. Or really nice ones. I seemed not to give f**king damn about it these days… for making my life easier…. Taking easy on others……being cool and steady….making people less stressful when they talk to me…………WTF. I knew myself too well….. I have soul punched too many times and risked of being beaten up by a good friend. That's sad! Really!
I am not a holy innocent saint either, never come close to be good and kind.

Albeit the let-it-be pearls of wisdom…. don’t think I am stupid. I learn it the hard way. I can only recall those experiences when I was forsaken, left to rot and misunderstood. Asking me to be mindful…… telling me not to be too kind…….the f**k about level of comfort……why dun u be f**king mindful instead of me.... this is insane.....WTF. What’s the f**king problem for being kind and gracious……
It’s not my f**king problem if one feels uncomfortable……This is insane……..and it really freaks my nuts. Actually it hurts more than freaking. Call me an F**kin emotional claypot or stupid souplad. I admit I m slow and inanely foolish trusting friends and took their words and encouragement too seriously. A f**king nincompoop, I was.
If shit hits the fan, I shalt be burnt but please … stay away…..f**king please dun make me set u on fire……… to anybody who come close. I begged to be
I f**king hate it.
The soup I brewed since last September left a

I am not going to be responsible for this post. For once, I am behaving like a brat….. a mummy’s spoilt brat. My
Dun ever misunderstand my intentions and twist my thoughts/words. I desperately wanted the “benefit of doubts”. I know. It’s a f**king irony.
I am self-destructive.
I have gravely sinned.
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