8mm List

Gospel of John -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )
Dramamization of the Holy Bible. From the Word of Life (1:1 - 28) to Jesus and Peter (21:1 - 25).... A great biblical sypnosis for the impatient souplad.
21 Grams -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )
Was almost lost when trying to figure out the parts of the puzzle of this movie. Great shit.
L.A. Confidential -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )
Was told this is good shit. Sure it is.
Tuesday with Morrie -- ( 16 November 2005 -- A Touchy-Feely Rainy Wednesday Evening)
Read the book at least twice this year. Hop into the emotional bandwagon and enjoy the warm fuzzy emotional roller coaster ride. Learn big lessons about life from a ridiculous morrie a.k.a COACH by Mitch.
Big Boo Boo...... they featured oprah winfrey.... .good grief.
Nope, Souplad did not shed a tear.
Shine -- (16 November 2005 -- A Touchy-Feely Rainy Wednesday night)

So So.... like those music pieces, though. Perphaps I'll get a copy of the soundtrack.

Gospel of John -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )

21 Grams -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )

L.A. Confidential -- ( 19 November 2005 -- Saturday Movie Marathon )

Tuesday with Morrie -- ( 16 November 2005 -- A Touchy-Feely Rainy Wednesday Evening)

Big Boo Boo...... they featured oprah winfrey.... .good grief.
Nope, Souplad did not shed a tear.
Shine -- (16 November 2005 -- A Touchy-Feely Rainy Wednesday night)

So So.... like those music pieces, though. Perphaps I'll get a copy of the soundtrack.

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