位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期二, 1月 10, 2006

Benzo Cloud Nine under my skin

Alone, sitting by the balcony, inhaling quiet chills and expelling little clouds of my life. Everything remains so still at 3am. Watching and feeling the occasional clouds of chaos frolicking the cruel wind chills .....calms me.

I have not been sleeping for the past 72 hours and I am still as hyper as a jack Russell. I realised I have had scribbled interesting things in my notebook last night. Interestingly weird.

They seemed to be incoherent and nonsensical now. Perhaps it takes another state of mind to decipher what those means.

I notice I have created some sketchy recipes as well... gonna try making those weird dishes this week. And perhaps it takes a right frame or perhaps, that particular state of mind to appreciate.

By the way... i suddenly realise ... living by myself in a service apartment.. in a foreign land ....is thrilling... coz i may be dead for more than a couple of days without anybody noticing....

hmmm...weird... very weird.

1 個意見:

Blogger SandyL 提到...

do u need any guinea pig for your weird dishes?
I can be one... ;)

U can put into a vacuum pack and DHL to me, ya!

Staying alone is thrilling, indeed.

星期三, 1月 11, 2006 1:22:00 下午  


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