位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期一, 3月 13, 2006

Mistake Number Two

Mistake Number Two.


Miss Hornist: I have finished watching that Ang Lee Gay cowboy show, where are u?
SL: Come on, its talking about forbidden love, in this case, manifested between two men.
Miss Hornist: Ok Ok…Shall we meet before you leave for Shanghai again?
SL: Ya. I am with BB now. Let’s meet. We will see you in Lido.

SL Where shall we go?
BB: Let’s go Arab Street
SL: Set.

In the cab,

Friendly-merc-cabby: Qu Nah Lee…
Miss Hornist: Ali Ba Ba street
SL (looking dumbfounded): What the fuck is Ali Ba Ba Street?
Friendly-merc-cabby (Looked more dumbfounded): Har?.. Ali Ba Ba street.
Miss Hornist: Neh… Ali Ba Ba street.
SL, BB and Miss Hornist were laughing our heads off.
Friendly-merc-cabby: Mohammed Sultan, See Boh?
Miss Hornist: Mmm Si… Ali Ba Ba street.
BB: Arab street lar.
Friendly-merc-cabby: Arab street? Jit Choon Boh Lang Liao…
BB: Let’s go devils bar instead.

On our way to Devil’s bar…

Friendly-merc-cabby radioed his collegue: Eh…. Lu eh chai Ali Ba Ba street boh?
Friendly-merc-cabby collegue: Md sultan si boh…
Friendly-merc-cabby: Boh Leh…Lang Kek gong Ali Ba Ba leh…Cham liao lar…buay hio khee leh

We were so taken aback by the cabby sense of humor too. Apparently, he was teasing his fellow collegues by asking them where was Ali Ba Ba street. All of us bursted into uncontrollable laughter.

Spontaneous Miss Hornist who came up with this ridiculous street name and a cab driver who is sane enough to play along, make my day ridiculously funny.

Oh BTW… Devils Bar Sucks!!!!

2 個意見:

Blogger Ah Siang 提到...

BB: Suntec City unca..

Taxi driver unca ..quite bad mood today. didn't respond much to us. So , BB, Souplad and Mss Hornist chatted happily away.

Upon reaching suntec, SoupLad paid the cabbie,

Mss Hornist blurted out " Unca, you specs very nice hor !!!"

Ms Hornist sound so sincere and cheerful , makes the face dark dark, wearing Levi's specs taxi driver smile gleefully.

I think Ms Hornist make unca his Day. Makes the passengers after us, a much happier passengers cos we have a smiling Cabbie.

We need more ppl like Miss Hornist to improve Service in Singapore.

Thanks Miss Hornist.

星期一, 3月 13, 2006 11:03:00 下午  
Blogger Michelle 提到...

Tat's really funny (Souplad's post) and that's very sweet of Ms Hornist (Ah Siang's comment). Very cute and put a smile on my face too :)

星期二, 3月 14, 2006 8:56:00 上午  


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