位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期四, 2月 23, 2006

I WISH I'M STUPID (where required)

I find it hard not to be cynnical and destructive, especially when my gut feel has been validated.

I was asked to think constructively.

How to do that when info is highly filtered?

Souplad ain't gonnabe deprived of what he wants. Souplad ain't gonnabe sacrificed without even knowing the reason

Souplad ain't industrial-strength-DODO.

Sometimes, I wish I can be stupid when I feel I can't handle the truth.


It's now 450am.

Dreamt of something about the end of the world. Scared the shit out of me. Perhaps, this is an apparent indication of my current destructive mode. I wish I can eat somebody now.

Extremely wide awake and irritated. Need more syrup


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