Once said, "ROME was not build overnight"
Watch it then.... *lame*
I have finished watching "Rome" Season I. It is as good as "House" despite the pompous-english conversations that littered the entire series. Very Pompous.
Politics, Treachery, Betrayal, Incest, Greed, Adultery, .... u name it, "ROME" has it.
The brutal betrayal of Julius Caesar by Brutus is a mere background of this entire interesting drama.
What keeps me wide awake for almost 18 consecutive hours to finish the entire season one of "ROME" have to be the the camaraderie and loyalty between the righteous Lucius Vorienus and Impulsive Titus Pullo; the intelligence of Gaius Octavian and most delicious, twisted and wicked friendship between Sevilia of the Junii and Attia of Julii.
I think the predictable death of Julius Caesar is a mere product of two scorned women: Sevilia and Attia of Julii.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
adapted from a line in the play The Mourning Bride, by William Congreve, an English author of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
You can read the episode sypnosis here
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