位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期三, 10月 05, 2005

Two faced, Split Personality, Twin ambiguity……(Part I)

This is not new to anyone, especially in this fast moving society. Can one have two gravely different personalities? Therefore, having two distinctively different groups of interest and maybe being a two-timer.

I believe this is a precarious quagmire of modern pricks and pussies. Forget about the lame excuses of being unsure about one’s desires and wants as well as weaselly reasons of the need and importance of enjoying the present moment…… because, at the end of day, I believe whatever deeds and thoughts that spewed out of these two faced pricks and pussies are purely INTENTIONAL.

These deeds sometimes may intensely affect those pathetic victimised innocent dicks and cunts but some may not........ b’coz EITHER these clever pricks and pussies are mindful and careful about what they do OR the innocent dicks and cunts are purely industrial-grade Dodos.

I don’t know about u but I believe everyone has a fair bit of knowledge of the presence of these pricks and pussies. Be it hearing them from some Chao Kay Pohs or u are one of those two-faced two-timers.

These clever pricks and pussies may seem to be some motherf**king weasels with little or no integrity or moral values. But strangely, I think they are sometimes great teachers about love and hedonism. Don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting promiscuity and betrayal. What I am trying to say is…… sometimes one has to experience some extreme pain and feel hurt before knowing how to love and know what is love.

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