位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期二, 8月 30, 2005

My twentyness Part I

It was a Wednesday morning 1991.

Her bloodshot eyes filled with rage and hatred. Malicious words poured.

I knew she felt shortchanged, betrayed and ditched.

She toiled for this five-star hotel.

She was one of the pioneers in this five-star hotel.

She knew everyone and every corner of this five-star hotel.

She took pride in her job

She refused to acknowledge the dismissal and stormed out of the office.

I dried her tears. We head back.

I could not sense the beginning of a tragedy, then.

Tragedy was imminent.

1 個意見:

Blogger Beer Brat 提到...

Now that's keeping us in suspense.

星期二, 8月 30, 2005 4:20:00 下午  


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