位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期二, 8月 23, 2005

A very long engagement


Mathilde Marries Manech

Manech Marries Mathilde.

The story revolves around the fate of five condemned soldiers during WWI, particularly Manech and his fiancée Mathilde (Audrey Tautou ….famously known as Amelie).

Like others, I am still under the spell of ‘Amelie’, neo-romanticism and Audrey Tautou. I am deeply drawn to the special-effects tricks, absurdity, fantasy, the manic energy, superstition and the fastidious details of this film.

I was utterly amused by Mathilde’s superstition. Err….I am actually laughing at my stupidity. Sometime, I do find myself engage in superstitious thoughts and activities.

When I was still a kid…..

I always have my lucky pen and pencil with me when I took my PSLE and GCEs.

My “smelly” little pillow, my lucky charm, my childhood.


If the left lift door opens instead of the right I will spend the rest of my life with her.

If the canteen auntie shows up within 5 seconds to serve me breakfast, I will be hearing good news from my boss.

Blah blah….

I know this is inanely foolish.


Anyway, there are already plenty of reviews out there and I shall not waste my few cents.

I have better things to do like................. taking my lunch now.

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