位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期六, 10月 22, 2005

s cue me, wat u like 2 dweenk

Another embarrassing encounter.

Pretty-20-something: s cue me sir, wat u like 2 dweenk?

souplad: huh.

(couldn't decipher what she is asking coz my friends are yelling; attempting to scale the high notes of heaven knows; sounded like someone has given their balls a tight squeeze; makes me cringe so hard as if I heard some unbearable long-finger-nails-scratching-chalk-board screeches... Fuck. How I wish I can hoot my friends with the beer bottles left on the table. tsk tsk)

Pretty-20-something (patiently bend over and ask): s cue me sir, wat u like to dweenk?

souplad: Or....what do u have?

Pretty-20-something: we hap or-leng-joo, air-per-joo, ban-la-la-joo, wa-wa-joo

souplad whispering to seow-kia : eh...seow-kia.....what is wa-wa-joo?

Seow-kia hollered: Kan-ne-na, Guava juice lar what wa-wa-joo?

I think my face had never turned so red without boozing....

Pretty-20-something: Sir, wat u wan?

Souplad: do u have beer?

Pretty-20-something: wat beer, we hap ...

Souplad: Orh....it's ok......Tiger ..... thanks.

1 個意見:

Blogger SoupLad 提到...

I don't know about u. I find my some of my m'sian friends have weird accent. They will say "gween gwa-wa wery sour" intead of "green guava very sour". I wonder hedo and beer brat have the same issues...

星期一, 10月 24, 2005 2:51:00 下午  


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