位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期五, 6月 30, 2006

A crossed half bridge over troubled waters

was watching CNA last night where i got to know that our friendly neighbour says they are now at war with ex-PM Mahathir.

Apparently, cabinet minister Nazri Aziz reacted quite emotionally in front the reporters "Now is an open war, we go to war. We will go to war because he has declared a war on us. For two, three months we've kept quiet, we restrained ourselves, respecting him for what he has done for the country but he took it as a weakness and continued to attack us."

I was wondering whether he will attempt to cry.

On contrary, Nazri Aziz said: "The opposition is not causing us any problem. He is causing us problems. Ask him, all these years what he said about the party, he loved the party, with his crocodile tears, whether he meant what he said."

Come on.... not all politicians can cry as well as .......*ahem* some 31 years ago.

Here's the spicy and not-so-spicy

1 個意見:

Blogger emmeek 提到...

Yo Soupy, I wish I could see the drama on CNA and perhaps watch some silly singaporean chinese dramas on tv but alas, it's not going to happen. Oh by the way, I don't think your dream of wanting to see a fat hornist is going to happen. At least Ms. Hornist will not allow it to happen. :-p

星期五, 6月 30, 2006 5:47:00 下午  


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