位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期五, 1月 27, 2006

Today is wayang day

Today is a wayang (A Malay term: theatre performance. Now, it also means an act of pretence..in this case pretend to be busy) day in office.

Yeah...the CNY mood is engulfing everyone in the office.

There will be a NIAN HUI (annual company dinner)this evening. All of us are very excited about this NIAN HUI.

I believe this NIAN HUI means a lot more to my Shanghai colleagues. 2005 has been tough. Just a couple of days ago, they have received some good news. I believe they can now let their hair down and really rejoice this evening.

I will be helping them to capture their moments of rejoice.

My sincere wish to all my Shanghai colleagues....be well.

1 個意見:

Blogger SoupLad 提到...

Thanx big man!

星期二, 1月 31, 2006 4:08:00 下午  


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