Soup of the Dae

位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期四, 10月 12, 2006

Basic Instinct

Meet, Jaylen. My good old friend Angelina's bundle of joy.

Basic Paternal Instinct...........

I felt so intensely that I wanted to father some kids when I held Jaylen.

星期一, 10月 09, 2006

Cao Zhi Bai, Gan Ling Yang

This is hilarious!!!!! Click here

Apparently there is a song "Gan Ling Yang a Cao Zhi Bai"" .....


星期日, 10月 08, 2006

Excuse me, could u please let me have your seat....

We know there are stickers pasted everywhere in MRT trains or buses reminding us to give up our seats to those (pregant ladies, old folks....) in need.

I am thinking if there no stickers reminding us to give up our seats to those in need, will we have the civic mindedness to continue this act of goodwill?

Well, I have also seen young punks or working class continue their cruise into the slumberland without offering their seat to folks like pregnant ladies, ah peks, ah mahs.....

Some of us might start to condemn and judge... sometimes I also find myself giving that "shame on you" look to those selfish asses....

However, lately I have been thinking why can't folks who think they need the seat proactively pop the question "Excuse me, could u please let me have your seat?"

Dun misunderstand that I am defending those lazy selfish asses who appear to sleep instead of offering their seat to those who needed it. That's not my point..

My point is... if we need something, we ask for it rather than waiting for someone to exercise the act of goodwill or by any chance hoping someone reads our mind.

Yeah.. I mean.. If anyone need something from me, ask for it. Do not expect me to read your mind. And please do not blame me for not being proactively or sensitive enough to understand what you want and volunteerily exercise that act of goodwill..... = )

House of Wisdom

a paricular episode where "House" had these pearls of wisdom on human behaviour.

When one faces a challenge or's behavious proceeds in the following sequence.
