Soup of the Dae

位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期六, 1月 05, 2008

Souplad's cupboard

Putting things into perspective....

I am slightly as tall as my cupboard

I think I weigh half as much as my cupboard

My shoulder are half the width of my cupboard

My arms are as long as the width of door of my cupboard

My eye is as big as the key stud of my cupboard

星期五, 1月 04, 2008

Gym and Drive.

I wanted to start getting my life and muscles back. (Yes, I had muscles. Everyone has muscles duh)

Friendly neighbourhood Gym..... here I come.

^$%^%#$%%^*^. I noticed the notice pasted outside the community club " Our Gym will be closed from 10/12/07 to 10/01/08"

I wanted to be the man controlling the wheels of an enclosed metal box that moves and halts at the command of my right foot....

%$#$^%$^%$& . Registration will take more than 2 hours and the next test date for the basic driving theory test will be Mar 08.


Went to see a doctor to eradicate the stubborn cough that I have been having since NYE.

After going through the "open-your-mouth-stick-out-your-tongue-breath-in-breath-out" doctor cliches, I seek permission to step onto the assumingly damn accurate weighing scale.

Yes......... I always think doctors have the most accurate weighing scale!!! Nothing beats the weighing scale in clinics and hospitals...... no fancies, no bullshit.


The potbellied doctor asked ... so what is ya weight.... 72kg?


The potbellied doctor " you must lose weight at least 20 kg"

I am this close in beating up the doctor. Especially punching at his super big pot belly.

Nabeh...Is today Friday the thirteen?

NinBeh go sleep and treat this as a nightmare.

Wahpiangz.... buay tahan.

Irony of time

It is so hard.

So hard to cope with mornings and afternoons without working.

I have tried using Warbooks, MSN chats and many many Breve lattes to fill in the gaps of many mornings and afternoons....

Uneasiness starts to kick in.

I am this close to tell my boss I am going to cancel my one month worth of annual leave and get back to work......

On one hand I can redeem these unclaimed annual leaves with cash on the other hand I do not have to think twice of what to fill my mornings and afternoons.


I thought I will be enjoying the abundance of time whilst my fellow aquaintances are coping with endless emails and ridiculous decisions made by management MFs.

I should be relaxed.

So much time and slightly more money.


It must be the wrong configurations.. bad timing i think.

星期四, 1月 03, 2008


Latest Addiction

Grande Hazelnut Breve Extra hot Latte.

A must try!

(note: additional 0.50 for hazelnut syrup and additional 0.80 for breve preparation)

星期二, 1月 01, 2008

Pussy irony

Who kidding who. (looking carefully at the bottom of the tree)

What a pussy irony.

Biru Biru..Oiishi


Guess what is it?

Hint : Not a hairband... ......Up ya kinkiness a few notches, will ya?


Down with fever and feeling constipated and bloated. Damn it what a way to start my 2008.

I wonder anyone would know how to perform C-section on my anus.

On a second thought, I think a combo of Christmas Blend and Prune juice should be able to induce a massive delivery.

Wooooo.....Woooo...Woooo Bruce Lee forever!!!

2 girls one cup

Are u man enough to see "2 girls one cup"

Trust me, it takes plenty of guts to see.... because u will puke ya guts out.

i couldnt take it after watching it the first 3 seconds.

Crap... literally

if u are still thinking abt challenges that u will be facing in 2008, why not give this a try

Happy 2008

the party came early and we had fun at dragonfly.

A big thank to Miss-JB-diehard (though she has not gone back for quite time already) and Banana Booze for organising this party.

Thanks Choo for letting me try that Cuban cigar, though I think I am a sucker to inhale.
I had a very very sore throat after that nite.

Little lamb looks gorgeous that nite and ahem .. she looks even more sexy in the pictures.

I am happy.

Here's my wish to all readers and buddies. (Don't worry it's porn free.)

and an encouragement to those who are thinking to shed that few extra pounds in 2008