Soup of the Dae

位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期四, 6月 08, 2006


Listening to

Memories of Mammories

I received a notice from the health promo board a couple of weeks ago asking my mum to go for her bi-annual mammography.

I always have a tough time convincing her to see a doctor. She freaks out every time when I ask her to go for check up. I hate getting my mum to go for girlie checkups.. like mammography, pap smear..... u know what I mean .... it's kinda weird.

I think I know why she freaks out. Coz' she heard enuff bad stories from my relatives to freak herself out.....apparently some of my aunties had only memories of their mammories left... u know what I mean?

Banana Booze suggest that I should lie to her that I have paid a few thousands dollars for this check up. I tried. I thought this lie will work. *sigh*

I think this is my retribution .... I remembered I gave her a hard time when I was a kid. She had to pull my ear (ears......every kid's Achilles) and dragged me to a clinic.

A week ago, I have to resort to the "silent treatment". That is, ignoring her....

I know this is so not ok...but it works!

Now, I still think it's weird to bring her for mammography...

I hate to do the silent treatment, I hate to bring her to do the girlie check ups...I hate why I am still feeling pissed when she give me sucha hard time.....

I love her notwithstanding all this sh*t.

I hope she will be ok.


Enjoy pain now,

just in case, you forget how it felt like.

星期二, 6月 06, 2006


666 my kinda of number. adds up to be 18...what can i say? Auspicious 18! dun play play....

星期一, 6月 05, 2006

Burn. M.F Burn

I have notice the word "GAN" is frequently being mis-translated as "Fuck". And it is common for the chinese to refer operative departments as GAN BU. Go figure what F**king department is that.

They seriously need to update their dictionaries before 2008 and I have a strong feeling that it's the taiwanese that screw up the database in the widely available electronic dictionaries.