Soup of the Dae

位置: Singapore

Not you.

星期三, 3月 12, 2008

Ken leee Tulibu dibu douchoo

Ken leee Tulibu dibu douchoo..............


Wana laugh out loud? click here

星期二, 3月 11, 2008

Learning German

Learning Good Cantonese

Angmoh Speaking Singlish!


hahaha.. that teochew sinseh...

Parking Pontianak - Dim Sum Dollies

This is really funny.

Who's Dick, Lee

A very daring performance by Dick.

Warning: Contents may offend

星期日, 3月 09, 2008


I dun mind losing my bet. (I chose Brooke Whites.)

Here are some earlier clips .. (ya.. am slowly becoming a youtube junkie)

The Last one is my Favourite!!!

Show me the money

Perhaps this website can shed some light when it comes to negotiating your compensation package.